1. A completed online application form and application fee paid in full. The online application form must be completed to begin the exam application process.
    1. Please know that you must have cookies enabled for the form and payment system to work properly.
    2. The online application form asks you to attest that you have read and understand the ACBSP™ Certificant and Candidate Agreement and Release. Follow the link and read the document in full.
    3. Please note that your application package will NOT be complete or processed until the remaining requirements listed below are received at the ACBSP™ national office. These must be received no later than the exam application deadline.
    4. DACBSP® candidates please note that the online application form is for the written exam only.
      • DACBSP® candidates must maintain their CCSP® certification in a current and active status with the ACBSP™. If the doctor’s CCSP® certification is found to not be in good standing with the ACBSP™, the certification status must be rectified prior to being permitted to take the exams or prior to the acceptance of field hours or the written project.
  2. A copy of your healthcare provider level CPR card. This item must be submitted prior to the application deadline AND it must still be valid on the date of the exam.  It may be faxed or emailed to the ACBSP™ national office (contact information shown below).
  3. A copy of your DC license. The license must be valid on the exam date AND proof of current status must be submitted prior to the application deadline.
  4. The transcript record of the qualifying post-graduate training. Transcripts must come directly from the issuing college or certifying body to the ACBSP™ national office.  We do NOT need a copy of your DC transcript.
    • DACBSP®  course transcript showing successful completion of the requisite number of hours successfully completed (200 hours).
    • All course hours must be reported on one transcript from a single accredited chiropractic college. If you took course hours from more than one college, you will need to contact your colleges to learn how to transfer some of your hours so that all of the hours are recorded on a single transcript from one school.
  5. *ALL exam application documents, including payment, must be received no later than the exam application deadline. If ALL application materials are not received before the deadline, you will not be permitted to take the exam. Each exam candidate will need the following: 
    • You must be in a location with a strong internet connection, as you will be streaming video. A hard-wired internet connection to your computer or laptop is the safest and most reliable connection to the internet and exam.
    • You must take the exam in a location with no corporate or institutional firewall, as this could adversely affect your test-taking experience and proctoring. We encourage you to take your exam on a private network (e.g. at home).
    • Have your smartphone and charger or external battery, so that it can stream video for up to the entire duration of the exam.  The smartphone must be set on silent and we recommend placing the phone on a phone stand so the proctor will have a stable video view of you and your desktop during the exam.
    • You must be using a computer where you have Admin rights, because you will need to install software (WebLock). 
    • Close all applications running on your computer, especially ones that have communication or video functionality, such as Slack or Zoom. You must do this before you go to the login website, ascproctor.com
    • Have your computer connected to a power source during the exam.

    The exam website is: ascproctor.com


Cancellation policy:

  • $50 non-refundable
  • 50% of the exam application fee, minus a $50 processing fee, will be refunded with written cancellation 14-21 days prior to the exam date
  • Written cancellations received less than 14 days prior to the exam date will receive no refund without documentation of a medical emergency

ACBSP™ National office fax number: (888) 419-9990
ACBSP™ National office email address: [email protected]

Candidates must report to the test center (remote-proctor) at least 15 minutes before their scheduled appointment for check-in procedures. If they arrive late, they may not be admitted and the exam fee will not be refunded.

The ACBSP™ Written Exam Committee (WEC) met in March 2021 to review the ACBSP™ certification examinations. The committee voted to approve several changes to the exam that are intended to improve the process and experience of the candidates, while retaining the integrity of the exam and more effectively representing the current status of the profession.

  1. Both exams will now be 200 items/questions. Statistical analysis of results showed that an additional 25 or 50 items/questions did not significantly impact the reliability of the assessment.
  2. The domain “Research Fundamentals” was removed from the CCSP® exam. A review of the reading list found that this topic was not adequately covered, even though the topic is relevant to many practitioners.
  3. The CCSP® exam had three clinical areas divided into subdomains, which was not done elsewhere by the ACBSP™. Therefore, we will only report the overall Clinical Competency domain. The weighting does not change.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the ACBSP™ office.

Click Here to Download the updated DACBSP® Written Examination Test Specifications for Examination Offerings Commencing in 2021

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